Imperialism 1890-1920

Imperialism 1890-1920

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1900-1911 Heather M.

Theodore Roosevelt was President of the United States from 1901-1909, he was know for many impressive international acts as well as helping the domestic worker.  One of the most impressive acts that Theodore Roosevelt did was the conservation of natural resources for national parks.  Mr. Roosevelt not only had on his mind the preservation of these lands but also knew the value of the lands for future generations.  One facet of imperialism is growing the power and authority you have as a nation.  With the perseveration of natural resources Mr. Roosevelt was protecting the ability for America to further its position of power in the world.  Natural resources empower nations by helping them maintain autonomy; without the protection of these lands they may have been stripped and not left for the future needs of a nation.  Mr. Roosevelt helped solidify the establishment of the National Parks Service in Feb. 1905. His love for the outdoors and nature led him to influence the nation to experience the natural power of our nation; this in turn re-emphasized patriotism in America.
            One of my favorite places that Mr. Roosevelt preserved and protected was Crater Lake in Oregon. I grew up in this area and am impressed with the natural wonder that it is, aside from just the beauty of Crater Lake the region is rich with timber and a pure water source.  Pure water is a natural resource that without we would not be able to survive as a nation without if every cut off from the world; Mr. Roosevelt knew the value of the area and resources that Oregon had/has to offer and the protection of this area is vital to the strength of the nation.  A nation without self-protection is not a nation that others will respect.

Crater Lake National Park (2009, September). In National Parks Service. Retrieved March 5, 2011, from

Jefferies, R. (2010, May). TR National Parks. In The Theodore Roosevelt Association. Retrieved March 2, 2011, from

Theodore Roosevelt (n.d.). In The White House. Retrieved March 4, 2011, from

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